My First Property

House Prices in the Postcode Area CF72 9AZ

Here is a list of house price sales for the postcode CF72 9AZ, with the most recent sale at the top of the list:

4, Windsor Court, Pontyclun, Rhondda cynon taff
Type: Semi-detached house, Freehold
Sale date: 13 Sep 2017
£185,000 £185,000 mortgage costs
6, Windsor Court, Pontyclun, Rhondda cynon taff
Type: Semi-detached house, Freehold
Sale date: 17 Jun 2016
£195,000 £195,000 mortgage costs
3, Windsor Court, Pontyclun, Rhondda cynon taff
Type: Semi-detached house, Freehold
Sale date: 28 Oct 2011
£216,000 £216,000 mortgage costs
3, Windsor Court, Pontyclun, Rhondda cynon taff
Type: Semi-detached house, Freehold
Sale date: 17 Feb 2006
£198,950 £198,950 mortgage costs
5, Windsor Court, Pontyclun, Rhondda cynon taff
Type: Detached house, Freehold
Sale date: 26 May 2000
£86,950 £86,950 mortgage costs
1, Windsor Court, Pontyclun, Rhondda cynon taff
Type: Semi-detached house, Freehold
Sale date: 14 Nov 1997
£85,000 £85,000 mortgage costs
3, Windsor Court, Pontyclun, Rhondda cynon taff
Type: Semi-detached house, Freehold
Sale date: 01 Aug 1997
£75,600 £75,600 mortgage costs

Not familiar with the area and thinking of looking at houses and potentially buying your first property in CF72 9AZ? Here is a map of the area for you to explore:

Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2018. Schools data contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 as here

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