My First Property

Average house prices in L38

House Prices By County

Want to know house price data for L38? Then you've come to the right place! Here is the aggregate information for sales in this postcode area since 2014:


House price data for L38

There were 96 detached house sales in L38 with an average price of: £285,535
There were 43 semi-detached house sales in L38 with an average price of: £199,657
There were 10 terraced house sales in L38 with an average price of: £187,500
There were 9 flat sales in L38 with an average price of: £132,833

Postcode Areas Within this Master Postcode

If you would like to drill-down further and look at prices in different areas of this postcode, then click the relevant sub postcode you are interested in below for full details:

The cheapest detached property in L38 is in postcode area L38 9 with an average price of £229,218
The most expensive detached property in L38 is in postcode area L38 6 with an average price of £502,500
The cheapest semi-detached property in L38 is in postcode area L38 9 with an average price of £171,973
The cheapest terraced property in L38 is in postcode area L38 6 with an average price of £133,000

To view details of house price sales in this area, please click on a specific post code from the list below:

L38 0AA
L38 0BA
L38 0BB
L38 0BD
L38 0BE
L38 0BG
L38 0BH
L38 0BJ
L38 0BL
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L38 0BW
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L38 9GQ

Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2020. Postcode aggregate data based on sales since 1st January 2014. Data per road based on sales data from 1st January 2012 onwards.
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